Looking for maths and English tuition in Edinburgh?
Conveniently based in Leith Walk, Edinburgh, we offer affordable weekly tutoring workshops in the core subjects of maths and English for children of all ages.
As the first MagiKats tutoring centre to open in Scotland, we’re extremely proud of our strong reputation and high student recommendation rate. Our experience and growth have led us to develop two further education centres in the Edinburgh area including Blackhall and Newington.
Our tuition programmes have been designed to support Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence so we’re able to use our unique approach to create relevant and engaging tutoring classes that will help your child reach their full academic potential.
Why choose MagiKats Leith Walk?
Dedicated, highly trained tutors specialising in maths and English
Suitable for all ages – from primary school age to National 5
Fun and engaging weekly sessions
Small group workshops with hands-on learning
Lessons tailored to your child’s needs
Supports Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence
How will MagiKats tutoring help my child at school?
Working in small groups of no more than five students, we have a team of qualified mentors who have been especially trained to help our students get the most from their tuition sessions. Most importantly, we make our workshops fun and engaging as we understand it’s the best way to keep children motivated to get the most from their learning experience.
A major benefit to out-of-school tutoring from MagiKats is our focus on additional skills such as reasoning, study skills, thinking and social skills. These confidence-boosting aids will help your child deliver to their best ability at school.
Meet the Principal - Iftikhar Hussain
“I strongly believe that adding the ‘fun factor’ to a child’s education is essential for effective learning. Our team incorporates this by setting the students fun challenges with the use of our proven educational resources which enhances their understanding of both maths and English. That is why the children love to attend our centre and yours will too!”
Individual education needs
Monitoring your child’s progress as they develop through the programme is a high priority and so we ensure we offer the best combination of teaching and practice, with individual learning goals for each student dependent on their needs.
To help us fully tailor our tuition, we ask all new students who enrol with us to undertake a placement session. This is an ideal opportunity for you to get a feel for our lively centre and for us to understand the stage your child is at with their maths and/or English.
Get in touch
To learn more about our tutoring services or to book your enrolment, complete an enquiry form at the top of this page. Alternatively, please give us a call on 0131 554 5595. We are available Tues-Sat between 9-5 but if we’re in a workshop and can’t get to the phone, please leave a message and we’ll call you back as soon as possible.
How to find MagiKats Maths and English Tuition in Edinburgh Leith Walk:
123 Leith Walk
Workshop Days and Times:
Tuesday 4:00pm-5:20pm
Friday 2:30pm-5:35pm
Saturday 10:30am-1:35pm
Sunday 12:15pm-1:35pm