MagiKats Maths and English

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Students Making Progress: MagiKats Romiley KS1 student Poppie Cooke

It’s easy to get lost in ‘big’ school. The pressure is put on early in Year 2 when students discover they must sit their first “proper” tests in the form of KS1 SATS. How do you know for sure they are getting the close attention they need? Are any learning gaps being addressed? Are they noticed? Year 2 student Poppie Cooke saw how much big sister Charleigh was enjoying going to her new maths and English club, so decided to follow in her footsteps. With aspirations to be either a teacher or a theatre performer in her future, Poppie really enjoys the fun and friendly style of teaching and learning in MagiKats Romiley.

Big-sister Charleigh achieved success in her KS2 Year 6 SATS examination last year, with close attention from her MagiKats mentor, and regular progress checks with the Principal, Graham Waterhouse. The girls’ busy mum, Gina (just as keen for Poppie to do well in her SATS) explained why she thought Poppie would enjoy MagiKats.

Mum said: “My daughter responds very well to attention in the form of rewards and praise. The teaching methods used by MagiKats see Poppie recognised for progression, and given prizes when she succeeds. She’s thriving with MagiKats - I’ve seen real changes.

Poppie lost confidence during Year 1 and I was worried about school progress reports saying she was underachieving. When Charleigh passed her KS2 SATS with flying colours (after enrolling in MagiKats) Poppie wanted to do better at school too, so we enrolled her with MagiKats Romiley. I’m so pleased with what happens there, I’ve recommended MagiKats to other parents, who’ve subsequently enrolled!”

MagiKats Romiley Principal Graham Waterhouse says:“Poppie is a lovely addition to MagiKats Romiley and enjoys the warmth and support she receives from staff and other pupils. Everyone has noticed Poppie’s confidence with the workshop lessons improving over time, and the joy she experiences when she gains a prize for great work and homework.”

We invite parents to see for themselves what happens in MagiKats, and discuss their child’s unique situation face-to-face. While we talk to you, your child is welcome to join a small group to see what it is like to learn with us.

Graham Waterhouse says: “We are incredibly proud of Poppie’s recent school achievements and her teacher’s reports of increased confidence and improved results. Well done, Poppie!”

MagiKats offers every student the chance to ‘learn without limits’. Our maths and English programmes are tailored to fit each individual. Their needs, their learning goals, their confidence.

Case study courtesy of MagiKats Romiley Principal: Graham Waterhouse

Call 0161 612 3457 to discuss your child’s progress and your tuition needs or enquire here.

MagiKats Romiley has Mathematics and English workshops on the following days and times:

Tuesday 3:50-5:50pm

Thursday 3.50-5:50pm