MagiKats Blog
Tips and advice for parents
An exciting new era in education in Earlsdon, Coventry
Launching in Coventry this month, the latest MagiKats maths and English tutoring centre is about to open.
Seven things that make a MagiKats Workshop great! #7
MagiKats workshops are great! Here is the seventh and final reason why: All the extra skills.
Seven things that make a MagiKats Workshop great! #6
MagiKats workshops are great! Here is the sixth reason why: Covering the curriculum.
Seven things that make a MagiKats Workshop great! #5
MagiKats workshops are great! Here is the fifth reason why: Feedback and communication.
Seven things that make a MagiKats Workshop great! #4
MagiKats workshops are great! Here is the fourth reason why: Rewarding achievement.
Seven things that make a MagiKats Workshop great! #3
MagiKats workshops are great! Here is the third reason why: Using all the senses.
Seven things that make a MagiKats Workshop great! #2
MagiKats workshops are great! Read the second of seven reasons why: Engaging with others.
Seven things that make a MagiKats Workshop great! #1
MagiKats workshops are great! Read the first of seven reasons why: 1-2-1 help without the pressure.