Who should you choose to tutor your child?
A typical MagiKats workshop
Are you one of those parents who, without realising it, has been quietly mulling over the comments made either in your child’s report at the end of last term or at the parent teacher meetings you recently attended? Are you, perhaps slowly, coming to the conclusion that your child needs additional help, probably in Maths or English, although for teenagers in high school you might be considering specific subject tuition?
Finding a tutor, either where the tutor teaches each child on an individual basis or in small groups, can be a daunting prospect. Whilst the financial commitment is significant, finding the right programme of study for your child led by a tutor whom both you and your child find sympathetic can be far more difficult and emotionally draining.
What type of tutor does my child need?
Firstly, you will need to identify whether you are looking for an intensive “quick fix” solution addressing some very specific needs within a limited time frame or whether your child will need help over several years, perhaps initially targeted at specific weaknesses that you or your child’s teachers have identified. If it is the former, and particularly if your child needs help for a specific exam, then you probably need to consider one-to-one tuition, or perhaps your child has a friend who needs similar support and you could share the cost (and the travel to and from the tutor’s home!) with another parent.
If you decide that you are seeking long term support, the financial commitment of individual tuition will be significant; an attractive option in such cases is finding a tutor who offers group tuition at a study centre in your area.
MagiKats Tuition Centres will set your child short assignments to complete at home as well as weekly workshops where your child has the opportunity to study with other children of similar age. You will normally be asked to mark the assignments so that your child can receive immediate feedback and, whilst this can seem onerous (or perhaps intimidating if you feel your own skills in the subject are lacking!), it does mean that you are able to monitor the work your child is being asked to undertake without your child feeling you are interfering.
The workshops allow group/partner work to take place and remove the pressure that some children feel in a one-to-one situation. Centres also offer resources at workshops which support your child’s learning through all three recognised styles (visual, auditory and kinaesthetic) whilst putting together a programme which is specifically aimed at your child’s needs. MagiKats Tuition Centres are part of a network which has been operating for many years and has a wealth of experience and material to draw on as well as established revision and holiday programmes.
How can I choose the best tutor?
Once you have decided on the type of tuition which will suit your child’s needs best you will have to find the best person to provide it. It is essential that you and your child meet with the tutor (or at MagiKats, this will be the Principal) and that there is empathy between you; communication is key and you should expect to receive regular feedback from the tutor. It goes without saying that the safety of your child is paramount and you should always ensure that the tutor or staff at a study centre have undertaken the appropriate checks - all staff at MagiKats are appropriately qualified, experienced and checked.
Would you like to find out more about MagiKats for your child, or perhaps you would like to use our tutoring materials to launch your own tuition business?
Find your nearest MagiKats Tuition Centre here.
By Sarah Marsh, MagiKats HQ