MagiKats Blog
Tips and advice for parents

Is your child entering Year 5? You need to research their secondary education NOW!
Horrifying it may be, but your child’s secondary education is going to depend on the decisions that you make when he or she is only nine years old. Whether you are looking at the local secondary, a grammar school or private education, it’s never too early to know the path and work out how to ensure you child has the best shot at the school place that works best for them.

HELP! My child has Year 6 SATs
How important SATs really are and the best way to help your child to prepare.

New Private Tuition Centre Opening in Loughborough
How the opening of MagiKats Maths and English in Loughborough will benefit local children.

New Opportunity for Children in Portsmouth as New Tuition Centre Opens
How the opening of MagiKats Maths and English in Portsmouth will benefit local children.

Understanding and preparing for the CATs test
Understanding CATs tests and reasoning and how to help your child prepare for them.

Why the summer holidays are crucial to your child’s success
Studying over the long summer break can be fun, and it can be vital for any child who needs a boost.

Why are maths and English so important?
Why are maths and English so important both at school and after, if you want your child to have a happy and successful career.

How to make sure your teenager doesn’t fall behind over the summer when crucial exams are looming
How and why to make sure your teenager doesn’t fall behind with their secondary exam preparation over the summer holidays

My Revision Booster Plan
Revision for GCSEs or National 5s can get a bit same-y. Read subject, make notes on subject, make smaller notes on subject, perform miracles with ant-size writing to make notes even smaller. Remember notes. Rinse. Repeat.

Back to School Already: But How Do You Help Your Child Pick Up the Pieces Post Covid 19?
How to ensure your child builds confidence as they start the new academic year.